Vada – she is 3 ½ going on 30. Very much a little grown up now and big helper at home with the other kids (most of the time). Still is a Sadie clone. She will start pre-school this fall on the Iowa Wesleyan campus and is extremely excited. Into being a princess these days and already worries about what she is wearing and if it matches.
Sylvie – will be 2 August 23 and is our hellion. Definitely walks to the beat of her own drum. The instigator of most issues between her and Vada. Has a very curious mind, sometimes too curious, and seems to have no fear. Spends her fair share of days in time out. Is completed intrigued with potty training so Mom and Dad are looking forward to having only 1 in diapers by the end of the summer.
Gavin – 6 months. I think his face says it all in this picture (What did I get myself into???). Uses rolling as his way of travel these days and is probably the happiest of all three of our kids. He thinks everything is funny and always has a smile on his face, even when Vada and Sylvie are body slamming or pile driving him. He loves to watch Sportscenter with Dad.
Thank you Brenda for the lovely picture! We miss all of you guys!
Those kids are adorable, and I love the name Vada! So unique!! I'm glad your dad finally found a keeper. :)