Saturday, December 31, 2011

Holiday Re-cap

It has been truly a lovely, wonderful holiday season this year!  We started the holidays off in Iowa for my stepmother's graduation.  Yes, another converted Iowa State member!  Brenda has worked so hard for her PhD and we are so proud of her accomplishments.  Christmas was celebrated by Erin and Todd in true Mr. and Mrs. Bubba Clause style at my father's house where Sylvie enjoyed helping Brenda with Betty's birthday cake.  We then traveled to Mason City where we spent some time with Justin's family.  Our niece, Ady, loved the pool!  We topped the Christmas weekend off with my mother in Des Moines.  Her new home is so lovely and was all decked out, including her little knome.  I love my mother's sense of humor:)

Thank you to all for the time, love, and many gifts we all exchanged.  I know 2011 has been the best of times and some of the hardest times for our families.  Through it all, we have remained strong and counted on each other for support.  May 2012 bring everyone peace, health, love, and continued happiness.  Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to All

As I try to become increasingly tech savvy, I blog to you for the first time on my iPad via wi-fi from the Clarion Inn in Mason City. It is pretty amazing! As the blogs get fewer and fewer in between posts, I guess the Christmas spirit got to me this morning, so here is a merry post. I also thought it would be wise to take advantage of the free wi-fi since it is available. So, I wish everyone a lovely, warm, and merry Christmas! I hope to write a year in review post next week and hopefully rekindle my connection to the blogosphere in 2012. Until then, I wish everyone a very merry Christmas!